臧红,女,1990年毕业于中国医科大学,获得硕士学位,2003年留学北欧卡罗琳斯卡大学,获得妇产科医学博士。四级教授,主任医师,硕士生导师,国际妇科内分泌学会成员、国际绝经学会成员,中国老年学和老年医学学会骨质疏松分会妇产科专委会委员。主持国家教育部留学归国人员课题“极低剂量的雌孕激素治疗对绝经妇女更年期综合症的改善及乳腺安全性的研究”、大连市科技局课题““低剂量戊酸雌二醇及黄体酮胶丸治疗对绝经妇女乳腺密度的影响及乳腺安全性的研究”,在国际高质量专业杂志发表英文论文10数篇。从事妇科内分泌疾病及妇产科常见病的诊断,擅长女性不同年龄阶段月经异常、多囊卵巢综合征及相关不孕,卵巢早衰、围绝经期综合征及高泌乳素血症等的诊治。多次参加世界内分泌大会及发言,并有论文获奖二次1. 臧红, Ryden M, Wahlen K,Dahlman-Wright K, Arner P, Lindén Hirschberg A 的论文 “Effects of testosterone and estrogen treatment on lipolysis signaling pathways in subcutaneous adipose tissue of postmenopausal women”, 2006年 在意大利弗罗伦萨举行的“第十二届世界妇科内分泌大会” 获得最佳论文(壁报)奖。2. Kong F, Wang J, Zhang C, Feng X, Zhang L, 臧红的论文 “Assessment of Sexual Activity and Menopausal Symptoms in Middle-aged Chinese Women Using the Menopausal Rating Scale”, 2018年 在加拿大温哥华举行的“第十六届世界更年期大会” 获得重大科学意义论文奖。在国际专业杂志发表的论文(通讯和第一作者)1. 臧红, Thomas Moritz, Gunnar Norstedt, Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, Petra Tollet- Egnell. Estrogen and Testosterone Therapy on Serum Metabolites in postmenopausal Women. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf)(英国牛津临床内分泌杂志), 2012; 77(2), 288-95.2.臧红, 张婷,刘爱莲, 王峰,石红. Spontaneous Rupture of the Right External Iliac Vein,Ann Vasc Surg (国际血管外科杂志), 2011; 25(5): 701.e1-4.3. 臧红, 石红, Speroff L. Low-dose hormone therapy in postmenopausal women in China,Climacteric(国际更年期杂志), 2010; 13(6): 544-552.4. 臧红, Davis SR. Androgen Replacement Therapy in Androgen -Deficient Women with Hypopituitarism. DRUGS(国际药学杂志), 2008; 68(15): 2085-2093.5. 孔繁斗, 王敬民, 张彩云, Feng X, 张丽芝, 臧红. Assessment of sexual activity and menopausal symptoms in middle-aged Chinese women using the Menopause Rating Scale. Climacteric (国际更年期杂志), 2019;22(4):370-376.6. 张彩云; Cui Liping; 张丽芝, 臧红. Sexual activity and function assessment in middle-aged Chinese women using the female sexual function index. Menopause-The Journal of the North American Menopause Society(美国更年期杂志), 2017; 24(6): 669-676.7. Mahmoud SA, 张丽芝, Jia ChY, 臧红. Adverse long-term metabolic and endometrial consequences in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Reproductive Medicine(美国生殖医学杂志), 2016; 61(5/6), 302-306.8. 臧红, Sahlin L, Masironi B, Hirschberg AL. Effects of testosterone and estrogen treatment on the distribution of sex hormone receptors in the endometrium of postmenopausal women. Menopause-the Journal of the North American Menopause Society(美国更年期杂志), 2008; 15(2):233-239.9. 臧红, Sahlin L, Masironi B, Hirschberg AL. Effects of testosterone and estrogen treatment on lipolysis signaling pathways in subcutaneous adipose tissue of postmenopausal women. Fertil Steril(美国生殖与不孕杂志), 2007; 88:100-6.10. 臧红, Sahlin L, Masironi B, Eriksson E, Lindén Hirschberg A. Effects of testosterone treatment on endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism(国际临床内分泌与代谢杂志), 2007; 92(6):2169-2175.11. 臧红, Carlstr?m K, Arner P, Hirschberg AL. Effects of treatment with testosterone alone or in combination with estrogen on insulin sensitivity in postmenopausal women. Fertile Steril(美国生殖与不孕杂志), 2006; 86:136-44.